DiA Compact tilt camera system
This is an experiment in making the most compact tilt camera system for FPV quads and planes. The main idea is to make the whole system in the size of the full-size fpv camera. So the whole system could be placed into standard mounts without a hassle. You’ll need a longer screw for link mount […]
DiA universal antenna mount slot standard
After many quad frames and several thoughts in designing the frames, found that there is an annoying thing. The rear part of the frame’s top plate. Different kind of ideas with some functionality or just some stupid hole or crack. What if there could be simple, minimalistic design, that could become a standard that everyone […]
Alvar Aalto dollhouse chairs
My aunt’s hobby is constantly creating and upgrading her dollhouse in 1:12 scale. I decided to make some addition to it and modelled two chair designs Stool E60 and Chair 69 designed by famous Finnish designer and architect Alvar Aalto. While modelling these chairs, I also designed some tool to help to glue at the […]
Exposure triangle simulator
The biggest problem of beginner photographers is to understand how camera exposure works. By learning how shutter speed, aperture and sensitivity (ISO) work together, they can understand the results behind the photos. I created a minimalistic exposure triangle simulator to visualize an affection of these three main elements of the photography.Try it: You find it […]
Keittiökoisat prkl!
Ollaan jo pitkään taistelleet keittiökoisien kanssa. Kaapit on putsattu ja jauhot on laitettu ilmatiiviisiin purkkeihin. Silti ne pirulaiset muhivat jossain. Todennäköisesti rakenteissa, joihin ei pääse käsiksi. Yritin vähentää niiden määrää päivittäisellä metsästysimuroinnilla. Ei, aina ne tulevat jostain. Yritin tuloksetta etsiä kaupoista koisa-ansoja. Mutta onneksi rakas googlemme tiesi mistä etsiä. Ja löytyi todella toimiva ansa edullisesti. […]
Ainon Hirschsprungin tauti
Tyttäreni Aino sairastaa hyvin harvinaista suolistosairautta, nimeltään Hirschsprungin tauti. Tässä, silloin tällöin päivittyvässä artikkelissa, kerron tietoa taudista, hoidoitovaiheista ja arjestamme.
Babytracker – vauvan ravintokehityksen seuranta
Tämä on näitä devaaja-isän virityksiin kuuluva asia. Parhaat ideat syntyy tarpeesta ja tässä tämä yksi. Lapsellani on suoliston kehityshäiriö ja ollaan jouduttu olemaan paljon sairaalassa. Siellä piti jatkuvasti pitää kirjaa kaikesta mitä menee sisään ja ulos, samoin kasvuun liittyvät tiedot. Ja kaikki kirjattiin paperilla olevaan taulukkoon. Käytäntö osoitti kuitenkin, ettei paperiin ja kynään kovin helposti […]
My father’s sail boat renovation project. I’ve been also involved as much as I could to travel to Russia from Finland.
TOTP and Public key for two factor authentication
Google, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and many other sites have two-factor authentication. And I also want to have it in some of my projects. While searching the internet, I found many solutions. All of them are somehow complicated or stuffed with unnecessary features for me. I want a fast and simple solution. So I made my […]
Classic camera set for sale
I’m selling my classic camera collection, that has been gathered in over 10 years piece at a time. And now Olympus created something incredible – Pen F. And I want it, and it’s worth it 🙂 Below is some information of each camera. GOMZ “Фотокор-1” Fotokor-1 folding camera1930-1941 Frame size: 9×12 cm.Lens: GOMZ Ortagoz 135/4.5 Found […]