Blogi loki päiväkirja
Dima's diary about anything
3D modelling, 3D printing, FPV, electronics, photography, life

My main camera progression
Sometimes I got question why and how did I end up with mirrorless camera. Also as an event photographer many were wondering the significant change in size of the cameras and the lenses. So here I briefly opening what main cameras I had. The reason why I’m talking about main cameras is I also have […]

DiA Lens wiper
There was a joke about rain wiper for fpv camera. I’ve heard that and my brains started ticking. There is no restriction to fly our quads, wings and plane in the rain. This restriction is just in someone’s head. Just use a proper conformal coating and Send It. In Finland, we fly around the year, […]

DiA Compact tilt camera system
This is an experiment in making the most compact tilt camera system for FPV quads and planes. The main idea is to make the whole system in the size of the full-size fpv camera. So the whole system could be placed into standard mounts without a hassle. You’ll need a longer screw for link mount […]

Classic camera set for sale
I’m selling my classic camera collection, that has been gathered in over 10 years piece at a time. And now Olympus created something incredible – Pen F. And I want it, and it’s worth it 🙂 Below is some information of each camera. GOMZ “Фотокор-1” Fotokor-1 folding camera1930-1941 Frame size: 9×12 cm.Lens: GOMZ Ortagoz 135/4.5 Found […]

Panoramic head for m4/3 camera
Few years ago I’ve planned to get some slightly good panoramic head. But the prices were not suitable for me. As my father works in a factory, where they can make everything from everything. I decided to design my own version of the panoramic head and make drawings for him. Here is the result: But […]