Blogi loki päiväkirja
Dima's diary about anything
3D modelling, 3D printing, FPV, electronics, photography, life
I’m not a spammer, damned SPF
The story about email spam monsters and how to pet them. The magic of SPF or how to get your mass mailing to work properly.
Confused wp-login.php hackers
A few days ago I’ve created a solution to block wp-login.php bruteforce attacks. After implementing it to the several sites the logs now are filled with a new phenomenon. Confused hackers, knowing that site is on the WordPress platform, try to find if this wp-login.php file is moved somewhere. And they actually scan all possible combination of paths on the […]
Prevent WordPress wp-login.php brute force attack
Prevent hackers from brute force attacking Wordpress’ wp-login.php file
My linux cheat sheet
Random linux CLI codes I use occasionally and never remember them.
Dude, get into sass!
I found out that many hesitate to learn sass. Internet is full of guides with complicated instruction for über super editors and SDK. They just ruin an idea of easier approaching and spreading this lovely invention. So if you are one of those hesitators, dude, throw away all thought you have about sass or scss. Especially if you think […]
MySQL PDO extension
Do not use wrappers. Use an extension for MySQL PDO.
iptables cheat sheet
I have to do with Linux firewall iptables quite rarely, that’s why I never remember commands I need. I’m going to list them here as they will come on my way. List rules with line numbers: Deny all acces from IP, in case of DDOS or Auth-attack: Remove rule by line number: Blocking visitors by […]